Why Recruiters May Not Disclose Opportunity Locations
We were recently asked by a physician why recruiters generally don’t disclose the location of the jobs they represent. While I cannot speak for other recruiters I have worked for other recruiting firms in the past and I suspect the reasons are similar from one firm to the next. There are 3 or 4 […]
The Doc Lounge Podcast
The Pacific Companies Doc Lounge Podcast Pacific Companies hosts several new podcasts with healthcare providers and executives every month. Pacific Companies is no stranger to the healthcare industry. With over 20 years as one of the nation’s top physician recruitment firms, they are using their influence to connect with leaders and innovators to bring awareness […]
Patient Loss, an Emotional Journey for Physicians
As a society we’re pretty removed from death. We don’t really talk about it. Yet when medical students start their training, it suddenly becomes something they’re intimately acquainted with. So how are doctors taught to deal with death? There are volumes written about the ways that doctors cope with death. It is a deeply […]
Have You Ever Wondered What Happens to Medical Waste When it Leaves Your Facility?
Medical waste is a type of waste that is generated by healthcare facilities such as dentist offices, hospitals, veterinary clinics, medical research labs and blood banks. Every facility’s staff has its own answers. Practices differ, and state regulations do too. Even the definition of medical waste invites interpretation.Every day, a relatively large amount of […]
What Do Physicians Think About Dr. Google?
In this day and age, many of us start with an online search when we get sick. Dr. Google becomes our go-to when it comes to figuring out what is wrong. We asked some physicians to share what their take on Dr. Google was and here is what they had to say….. Nicole Van […]
How Doctors Can Create True Work-Life Balance
In an environment that continually asks physicians to know more, do more and be more, is it really possible to practice good medicine and still have something left at the end of the day to be a mother, father, wife, husband, partner, son, daughter or friend? Recently, we decided to give our time-management experts […]
Advice From a Dr. Mom to Other Dr. Moms
Over the past 15 years, I have married, had four children— all while getting through medical school, doing my residency, and launching my own private practice. Today, I realize that as a working mom, you’re never quite sure that you’re doing the right things, using the right tactics and tricks to get through the […]